Apps for BSP programmes

Application description and tutorials:


For smart phones wireless apps:

Android version:

Apple iOS:

Both application have name "BSP Reports".

Please share your feedback:

Water quality in the Baltic Sea

The condition of the sea is primarily determined by investigating the living organisms in the water and sediment.

Programme coordinator

Ms Pille-Riin Pärnsalu

Foundation Tartu Environmental Education Centre

Lille10, Tartu 51010, Estonia


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Rivers programme will help students to learn about inland human activities and its efects to the Baltic Sea biology and chemistry. Programme is most suitable for students aged 15-18 years.

Programme Google Drive version can be found here  (updated 2018).

Programme international coordinator is  Søren Levring from  Estonia.


Phone:+372 5878 7655

BSP Coast Watch

Coastwatch BSP is a programm to study animals, plants and aspects of human impacts on the seashore. The program is suitable for all ages of students but mostly done with students aged 13-18.

Looking for a NEW programme coordinator!

Send your reports to your  national coordinator.


Air Quality

Estimation of air quality by bioindicators. In the air quality studies fir-trees and lichens are used as Bioindicators.


Looking for a NEW programme coordinator!

Send your reports to your national coordinator.

Phenological studies

Pupils study the first sign of spring.
Programme coordinator
Ms Julija Fediajevaite  
Lithuanian Centre of non-formal youth education
Natural Ecological Education Devision Supervisor
Džiaugsmo st. 44, 
LT 11302 Vilnius, Lithuania
tel.  +370 647 25367

Bird Ecology

  1. Long-term monitoring the abundance of breeding birds
  2. A count of waterbirds washed ashore and
  3. A count of Midwinter waterbirds.

Looking for NEW programme coordinator!

Send report to your national coordinator.

Environmental measurements

Common environmental researches in the whole BSP area.

Programme coordinator

Ms Hanna Numminen


Address: Porin Lyseon lukio

Annankatu 5, 28100 Pori, Finland